Sunday, May 12, 2013

Travel Young

Summer is about to end, rain is starting to fall. So I googled stuffs about travelling. I saw blogpost by Jeff Goins. The Article was entitled, 3 Reasons to Travel While You’re Young.

This article really hit me. Why? Because I always wanted to travel – visit all cool places within Mindanao, and eventually the whole Philippines. Of course I also wanted to abroad and visit different countries, explore culture and experience life on the other side of the world. But, there’s always a “BUT.” I have hesitations. What about my work? My family? What will I do there? Maybe I’ll get lost. Expensive. And a lot of cowardly excuses.

When I finished reading his article, I realized, he was right.

Reason #1.

Travelling teaches you to live in adventure. If you just stay in your corner, you won’t grow, you’d be boring. When you travel, there is this thrill of the unknown and unexpected. It makes you be more spontaneous and adventurous.

Reason #2.

Travelling helps you encounter compassion. When you travel, you see a variety of people. Rich, really rich, poor, sick, normal, weirdo, addict, businessman, peddlers, crooks, young, teenager, old, very old, etc. And when you see them, you get to understand more why and how other people do stuffs. These learning then influences your compassion, and in growing as a better person.

Reason #3.

Travelling allows you to get some culture. As you begin to divulge yourself to adventure and to different people, you get something out of it – traits, way of thinking, and culture. When you travel, you become unconscious that you are already syncing in culture.

And these quotes hit me too.

Do this while you’re still young. Do not squander the time. You will never have it again.”

“..Because you won’t always be young. And life won’t always be just about you

I haven’t travelled much yet. But yes, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. I will make travelling a hobby. 

Before you all travel abroad, explore Philippines first! Here is a list. click here

follow @sahmuhr.

--- until my next post. follow me!/jarugaslag

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